I’m fascinated by the intersection of business, finance, technology, and culture. I’ve written on these topics for more than 15 years across several newsrooms.
Most recently, I was a correspondent at Insider, where I covered venture capital and startups. Before that, I was a markets correspondent at Reuters, where I got a crash course in U.S. stocks and stock options.
I began my full-time journalism career at Inc. magazine, and I’ve also contributed to Technical.ly Brooklyn, Fast Company, Marie Claire, The New Yorker, and The Week.
Outside of work, I like discovering new music, playing the violin, making stationery, and watching soapy TV dramas. I live in Harlem, but I’ll always be a Virginian at heart.
(By the way, most of the featured photos on the homepage are from my work with Technical.ly Brooklyn, to which I contributed regularly in my period as a freelance writer. From top to bottom: 3D-printed objects from Make Mode; handicrafts made by Etsy employees adorning the company’s office; inside the BigRep One 3D printer stationed at New Lab; and last but not least, my keyboard with to-do reminders.)